tone poem mix series 004


We are delighted to debut our inaugural tone poem guest mix - “Isotonic Sound”, curated by Diego Olivas of FOND/SOUND. "Isotonic Sound" is a two hour journey into the world of deeply aquatic-inspired Japanese healing music (new age, ambient, minimalist works), introduced by a very special composition of Diego's own - a musical stanza inspired by the works that follow.


FOND/SOUND is run by Diego Olivas, based in Lake Forest, Illinois although he was born and raised in El Paso, Texas (his "heart" home). What is FOND/SOUND? It’s an attempt to uncover and share music that has never gotten its just due. It’s the revolutionary, new, world music ready to have a special place in your world.

Rather than leave this music (most of it out of print and never released in a digital format) in the dustbin of history. And at the moment it’s focus is on fourth world, Balearic, New Age, ambient, and Japanese Pop music, with room for much more…"


Diego Olivas – Seisan (Clearing) [Unreleased]
Kosei Yamamoto (山本公成) – Reflections
Shinsuke Honda (本多信介) – Morning Dew
Ryuichi Sugimoto (杉本竜一) – Eskimo Prayers
Takako Ishiguro (石黒孝子) – 夕凪
Hideki Okada (岡田秀樹) – Hawaii Calling
Utollo Teshikai (手使海ユトロ) – 銀河の魚のテーマ1 (Galactic Fish Theme 1)
Toshiya Sukegawa (助川敏弥) – 樹雫
Junichi Kamiyama (神山 純一) – ミスティー パストラル
長谷川武 & Albatross – 海からのおくりもの
Satoshi Sumitani (住谷智) – 青い月の下で
Junnosuke Yamamoto (山本純ノ介) – 明日への光に向けて
Nakada Satoru (中田悟) – Wilson roots1994April.26


tone poem mix series 005


tone poem mix series 003